NEMAIECMILGradeProduct Introduction
FR-4EPGC202GEE-FCJ833UL94 V-0 flammability and excellent mechanical and electrical properties.
GEE-FCJ834High CTI, UL94 V-0, UL certificated material, excellent mechanical and electrical properties.
GEE-FCJ835UL94 V-0 flammability with high mechanical strength and electrical properties in humid and ambient environment.
CJ835EUUL94 V-0 with better mechanical strength and excellent electrical properties in humid environment.Meet EN60893-3-2.
NP510AGlobal grade, UL94 V-0, full UL certificated material with excellent mechanical and electrical strength.
   CJ836YWUL94 V-0 flammability,certificated to lPC4101/21, excellent mechanical and electrical properties,good machinability with UV blocking function.
G-10EPGC201GEECJ837NBHalogen free epoxy system with good mechanical and electrical properties.
GEECJ835NBHalogen free epoxy system with excellent mechanical and electrical properties.
NP500AGlobal grade, for medium and cold temperature condition applications.
G-10CR  NP500CRNP500CR (commonly referred to as G10 CR) consists of a glass fabric with an epoxy resin system resulting in excellent electrical characteristics and superior physical properties at    cryogenic temperatures (-270 °C to 135 °C operating temperature range). Previously designated as Westinghouse/International Paper Micarta Cryogenic Grade 56G12, it has low thermal conductivity and utilizes chemistry specifically designed for cryogenic applications.
   CJ935Thermal insulation, structural  applications and various other mechanical and electrical applications at low temperature (Recommend -125⁰C to 125℃).
FR-5EPGC204GEB-FCJ845UL94 V-0 flammability, engineered for insulation parts in motors and electrical equipment.
high Tg (180±10℃), excellent mechanical strength retention in high temperature condition.
 EPGC204 CJ867NB GNHigh CTI and halogen free, UL94 V-0 flammability, engineered for motors and electrical equipment excellent retention of mechanical strength and electrical properties in high temperature condition.
 EPGC308 CJ897NBHalogen free system, UL94 V-0 flammability, High CTI(≥600V), class H material,
EN45545-2R22/R23 HL2/HL3 qualified, excellent electrical strength and heat resistance.
   CJ528Flexible insulation material,engineered for generator equipment.
G-11EPGC203 CJ857NBFor insulation parts in motor electrical equipment, excellent mechanical strength and electrical properties  retention in high temperature condition.
 CJ865GNEngineered for motors and electrical equipment with good machinability, high retention of mechanical strength and electrical properties in high temperature condition.
 CJ867BF GNHalogen free, engineered for motors and electrical equipment, excellent retention of mechanical strength and electrical properties in high temperature condition.EN60893-3-2 qualified.
GEBNP511NP511 consists of a woven glass fabric combined with high temperature epoxy resin system. NP511 has excellent mechanical strength and electrical properties from cryogenic to elevated    temperatures. Continuous operating temperature is 175°C. 

More Information

Norplex-Micarta is a leading manufacturer of high performance thermoset composite materials based on impregnation andlamination technology. Norplex-Micarta manufactures the highest quality specialty sheet products, pre-pregs, rods, molded shapes, and tubes to meet demanding applications for OEMs and fabricators around the world.
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